It's been a VERY long time since I've taken my own Senior Portraits...2012 marks 20 yrs to be exact! I recall heading to an indoor Studio in a ladies' home out in the Albion area somewhere...not sure, exactly, what to expect.
I'd actually NEVER taken professional photos of me - outside of those silly School ones in the gym!
With a couple horrific outfits in tow...a positively scary hair-style done up...the rest is now documented for all eternity! I'm sure some of you out there still have that photo-copied Wallet picture floating around I just couldn't afford to order many from the Photographer have changed!
Now? We have FUN! Well, maybe I'm the one having all the fun - - but, it's GREAT!!
An extra special THANK YOU to Brian & his mom, Debbie, for sharing the day with me! We 1st met back in June of 2011 when Niels & I shot his big-sisters GORGEOUS Wedding at Brutocao Cellars! So, for me, it's really fun to get to see each other again & feel like part of the Family! Baby Brian's all grown up! xo

Sorry it was sooo cold out...77' on Fri...58' on Sat!? Who knew? But, THANK YOU for being such a Trooper!

Oh! Heck...for those of you just dying to's mine! Go Timberwolves! "-)