Since I finally have a quiet moment...the little one's been home sicky all week & has been needing my full attention - I'm pretty spent...and Mommy's sicky, too! Luckily, some Winter Storms have finally arrived - and I LOVE the rain...ahhh...
But, what's on my mind is this.
I wasn't actually going to even publish this post (I had typed it up quite differently)...but, when one of my fellow colleagues contacted me for my opinion tonight - I literally laughed out loud (yes! I sooo do that!!) - and here we are!
This Photographer sent me a couple beautiful photos & asked me my opinion.
Not knowing if they were actually HERS, I was hoping not to offend her - but, certainly wanted to critique with honesty!
Phew! We're on the same page! "-)
I'll admit : I spend entirely too much time surfing Wedding Blogs, especially now that I've been working sooo hard on getting all the wonderful Vendors & Clients we work with Published...!
The Photography market I currently see there most of the time?...It's not me - it's not us - it's not Larsen's.
Their Inspiration boards are full of super soft, washed-out, sunburst, airy imagery - - quite often not even in focus...and I stop to we need to change things a bit? We shoot bold, we shot sharp - we try to capture & document just as we see it with our own eyes...
Which, I guess, kinda answers all my own questions, doesn't it? - - Do you want to do this like everyone else?! Or do you want to be "YOU?" artistry such as this should be about showcasing YOUR vision. And, well, I've always been a little 'ready to take on the World!' vs. conforming to the latest trends...

So...JUST IN CASE the 'trends' start to get to me & I consider my vision differently...I'll revisit one of my fav photos from 2007! Bold, crisp, colorful! THAT's Larsen's! xo
Keep being YOU!
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