Monday, January 5, 2015


From my very 1st conversation with Monica + Humberto about their plans a full year ago, now, it was perfectly clear that what mattered most about this day was simple : sharing it with each & every person they love so dearly. To give back to their friends & family some of the joy that they have received from them all these years - by providing a fun & elegant night for all!

Having shot their Engagement Session at her Family home back in April, I was so excited for this Wedding day to finally arrive! 

While it may be a bit intimidating when someone tells you they have a 400 person wedding coming your way? After seeing how their day played out - and the emphasis that was put on just enjoying the moment? It was perfectly clear that this was the perfect wedding day for them...!
We met at the Hyatt Vineyard Creek to get ready - where the Reception was also to be held later that evening. It always provides us with a perfect location to move about the property & tend to both the ladies and gents...
...oooh! I just love these shoes!!
 From the beautiful hair styles to the thoughtful gifts? Nothing was overlooked this day...
 Everything about Monica was flawless...her hair, the make-up...that dress? Perfection!
Quick stop on the way down to see her man at one of my fav. photo spots! 
 ...Niels spending a few moments with the Groom...look at that handsome man!
Time for some group photos before our 1st Reveal.
 Wow! What a stunning Family!
 Getting a 'once-over' from the future in-laws before...
 ...let it go, my friend...let it go...this is what it's all about! xo
 Audience approved!
 Love it - he can't stop BEAMING!!
...I can see why...just gorgeous...!
 You can't beat those smiles. That is one happy couple!
 ...another fav. photo spot...
Awww - all the kids are here & we have a few more minutes for pictures!
Can't forget 'the' bag - Monica told me this has been glued to her hip throughout her entire planning journey! Snap a pic & we are off to get Married!
After a short drive, with everyone arriving right on time, we were all set for a beautiful Ceremony!
 The Castaneda's awaiting their gorgeous Bride...
 ...not only is she gorgeous - she's quite popular with us Paparazzi! hee hee
Back at the Hyatt, the Reception area is all set for guests & looks positively elegant!
 ...and fun...
 ...heading out for our final photos with the Bride + Groom, we couldn't help but snag a quicky of this adorable Family!
 Look at THAT!
Rain? What rain!? (ty ty ty to whoever pulled that storm away!)
 With plenty of time to spare, we took the Newlyweds out to the bridge before getting them back to their guests.
 Grab him! He's all yours!
 Thank You, Jessica, for making sure to keep our Mr. & Mrs. hydrated + fed!
Photo-bombing my own photos?! Niels swears he told me he was ready to snap! "-)
Yes. I've have said this before - so I guess it must be true, but the Reception Hall looked AMAZING!
I think this is NOW the most phenomenal I've ever seen it?
(I reserve the right to say this again at any point in the future! I was in awe!)
The arrangements were gorgeous!
 That cake!
A Table fit for Royalty - and, the room lighting was amazing!
 ...the table overlays were exquisite.
 Okay, our 'awe' Tour of the Hall is complete - a few rounds of the Cocktail hour before heading inside!
 Time to get this Party started!
 Watching these two together is positively wonderful!
...intro right into their 1st Dance - love it!
 Dad + Mom sharing their love...
 ...I mentioned to Humberto at one point during the night - his Mom positively moved me. She wore her emotions on her sleeve & was so filled with love for her handsome son. She was so, SO proud of him.
 ...I think Dad had way too much fun - he was smiles ALL day! Love it!
 From the littlest children to the most grown-up grownups, everyone was laughing & enjoying time with old friends - having an absolute blast - which is exactly the way they wanted to spend their day...!
 This wasn't nearly as scary as it appears..., this, on the other hand? "-) 
 Time for some fun!
Before we called it a night, we were treated to yet another amazing spectacle. 
 This band ROCKED it & the crowd had a total blast!
 ...oooh! There's where my Husband disappeared to! lol
 With half the guests visiting in the hall & half dancing the night away? This Wedding turned out perfect! You know you've put it all together 'right' when you've got nothing but empty seats in the house!
Monica & Humberto...may you always have the ability to see the light that you not only bring to one another - but, to all of those who love you. The joy witnessed in this day was undeniable. Remember this smile - all the little things you whispered to one another throughout your day - these are the reason you are so positively perfect together. Why your future together will be nothing short of an amazing Eternity. Congratulations to you both! What an absolute blessing you gave us to have shared it with you! xo
Ceremony Venue | St. Joseph's Catholic Church - Cotati
Reception Venue | Hyatt Vineyard Creek
Dress Design | Allure Bridals
Bridal Boutique | J'aime Bridal
Engagement Ring | Mark Allen Jewelers
His Band | Costco
Shoes | ABS by Allen Schwartz
Bridesmaid Dresses | Sorella Vita
Floral Design | Pedy's Petals
Officiant | Reverend Abel Mena
DJ | Alex DJ Productions
Mariachi | Mariachi Colima
Live Band | Banda La Congora


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