Friday, July 25, 2014


Vince & Michelle were married 3 1/2 years ago now - and, I have to admit that theirs was one of the few 'rainouts' we've ever rained on our Wedding day, too, so OF COURSE I know it's totally Good Luck...but, still - not so much for the Photographer in that moment.

I'll let you know that in a Photographers' perfect World? Weddings all take place outdoors, fully shaded with overcast skies + a slightly cool breeze that, of course, only moves in the direction that the brides hair needs to flow...

But, alas, that's not always the case, right? when I heard that they were looking to add to their Wedding portfolio? I immediately jumped on it screaming - pick me pick me!!! "-)

Not only is it so much fun to shoot without the time-constraints of a Wedding day, but you also don't have to worry about that phenomenal dress quite as much...! YAY!

You can clearly see why I was sooo excited - Michelle is not only beyond stunning, but they make a perfect couple & I am honored that they chose me to take these for them!
Is it just me? Or does Michelle look like an even more adorable + young Janet Jackson?
Thanks for taking the time to come out & play, you guys!! I can't wait for our next Session, Michelle - - and, hopefully we can get the whole Fam in front of the Camera before the Holidays! Wink wink! xo


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