Soooo! I have a little challenge for each & every one of you reading this. ~ GIVE A LITTLE ~
Take your time or your talent, your love or your money - and give it freely!
Share it with those you love...or with total strangers. And in turn? Ask that they give the same to those they love...
Feeling like our own Family Album is a little short on Family Portraits (WHAT?!) - and seeing how these past 5 yrs have flown by all too quickly as a new Mom, I wanted to give some of my local friends something directly from my heart.
I decide to offer an early (QUICK! It's our last free weekend 'til the end of June!!!) Mother's Day Session...just because. Because I can.
Awww - Meagan...!
We've known Meagan for years + we shot her Wedding last Summer...such a beautiful person inside & out...! Miss MIA!! Finally ready to take some photos - 'cause last Summer? Not happening!! hee hee
Nalani's friend Vivvy!! This young lady can rock the Artist's easel like no-body's business! Can't wait to see where that takes her!'s so exciting to make new friends at PreSchool & beyond. Her Mom, Shannon, is totally amazing in all directions! Love them!!

Our daughter shot this one while we were working on the next Family! She cracks me up!
...and my little Mario!!! This young man is such a unique spirit & such a cutie! Adore him + his Momma!!! Erica (in a funny way) probably knows more about me & our Lives than anyone! hee hee
Some of the Moms you might recognize from past photo-shoots - such as the beautiful Caylen. She's one of those people that you just laugh with the whole time you're together...a real sweetheart. Quinny's a very lucky girl to have such a wonderful Mother!

EMILY!!! My newest friend!! So kind, so giving - just a joy to get to know & I'm really looking forward to a long friendship...and those BOYS!!! Just wanna gobble them up!!!!
Miss Kaylie has been a part of our lives since we 1st came to the area 10 yrs ago now...via mutual friends that are more like, a special part of our hearts are always with Kaylie & we're SO excited to see her getting Married later this yr...!
Tell me she's not going to make such a STUNNING bride!!? Love it!
It was positively fun & wonderful to do this Shoot....actually brought tears to my eyes as I sat down to edit last night! (if you're a Mom, you'll understand...) I ran to my Husband for a hug ~ to thank him for helping me put this all together...and being a part of this with me.
THANK YOU to each & every Mother, daughter + adorable son that came to share their time with me last night - to allow me to give freely...I so appreciate it!! Love to all of you!
And, I must toss out a very special 'thanks' to Maria with Testa Ranch for, once again, opening up her space to us local Photographers to play!! xo
Now...a little back-story (if you're still reading this) on that cute, little necklace pictured above that kinda put this whole project in motion....
I have a mommy friend that lives in SoCal that introduced herself to us just over 4 yrs ago through a mutual friend - we became instant buds. As fellow Virgos, we've often been the 'givers' in Relationships. And, she came along at a time in my life when I was feeling so drained of always being just that - the giver.
I had shut myself down to the freeness & unconditional joy I have always felt just giving. It can get a bit draining + painful when it's not appreciated - let alone ever reciprocated. So, once my daughter came along? I put all of my focus on showering her with the love, time & energy I had to give.
But, one day ~ this necklace arrived in the mail. Out of nowhere. A momento that made my girlfriend think of me when she saw it & made her want to give freely. This mantra now holds a very special place in my heart - as this World of ours, most certainly, needs some change...and, I'd love to be able to see it!
I'll start with this simple gesture & see where it takes us all next...! So, I challenge you ~ BE the Change!!! xo
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