Monday, March 4, 2013

...a Photographer's Support Session...

Today I reached out. I wanted to - and it feels great!

One of the things Wedding Clients don't see? (and probably don't want to)
The physical & emotional roller-coaster being a Wedding photographer can be.

I've had friends tell me I should write a Book - since each night, as I returned home, I would share all the wild & crazy adventures we'd just experienced. A little 'therapy' session before jumping into the editing portion with a clear head & happy heart.

I don't know how many times Photographers have said to me over the years, "You do WEDDINGS?! No way - it's too stressful - I prefer landscapes!" I've always chuckled a bit.

Because, well - yes. I guess the Wedding Photographer is a certain 'breed'. Weddings are stressful - for everyone involved - but, they are also so very, very rewarding if you're up to it!

Another thing I've always been in my own career-journey is a 'Trainer' - a helper. The person put in charge of teaching others how things should be done. It fulfills me to take the time & energy to really show someone how to do something & see them get it done right...

Of course, in photography, 'right' is a very personal thing & is actually always changing. For me, seeing someone struggling & sitting back to watch? Not going to happen!

So, as the 2013 Season is off to it's start - I reached out to one of the young people we know in the community that has a passion for Weddings. I offered to look at their images strait off the card (no hiding the bad ones!), listen to their wild & crazy stories from the day + help them towards THEIR goals for their Wedding business. Let's call it our 1st 'Support Session'! "-)
Weddings are an absolute joy to be a part of - and I want that for everyone out there putting the time & energy into this for their Clients! That's how it needs to be for the Photographer - that's how it should be for the Client...

But, the biggest reason I wanted to do this? The real reason that takes me back several yrs now? I wish just one...all it takes is one...of the local Photographers I emailed or called when we, ourselves, were starting out had actually taken a moment & returned my call...


Tanya Kendl said...

Weddings are Maja's favorite and her passion. And yes I have heard her stories. And listened to her adventures. Dried a few stressfull tears.

larsens said...

She's so lucky to have such a wonderful Mother & Mentor!! xo

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