Brides ask me all the time how far in advance they should book with us.

I'd say, on average, most of our Bookings are right around a year out. But, hey! Sometimes - 2 wks works, too!! "-)
Melissa e-mailed me the last week of October...then, we chatted. Next, Bryan called me...we e-mailed some more...and well, the rest is 11.11.11 History!
When Bryan mentioned he used to live in Barcelona - I was so excited! We were positively enamored by the entire City the whole time we were there earlier this year! Just...amazing! The culture, the atmosphere - - it's just stays with you...! There's something about World Travel that you hold in your heart for always. It never leaves you - - it makes you a better person & becomes a part of who you are...
That emotional sense of connection is something Melissa & Bryan both own - and will continue to they grow & blossom in their lives together.
This day - their Journey took them to an amazingly beautiful Estate in Clearlake Oaks to share with their closest Family & Friends. Of course - Melissa relocating all the way from New York meant most of her friends had come quite a ways & were ready for all 'Wine Country' had to offer!'d rained the night before - so, I was ecstatic it was holding off long enough for me to get some of her beautiful 'details' before getting Melissa dressed...

Ahhh - - there's the rain! And the adorable FLOWER GIRL! Inside, QUICK!

Sometimes, unpredicted things happen throughout a Wedding day. They're the things that make the day YOURS! They might bring a tear...or a laugh...embrace them! Niels caught these last moment shots of Melissa struggling to get her 10' Train out of the getting to see moments like this when I sit down to edit!

You can see the concern in Bryan's face as he watched from across the Courtyard...and, I could tell throughout the day - Bryan's her rock. He cares for her forever & always...
Ahhh - there you go - safe & sound!

This is always a favorite of mine - those few moments of quiet as a brand new 'Husband & Wife'! A Bride & Grooms very 1st moments to discuss the earlier parts of the day & what's gotten them thru all the chaos...and to show off their BLING!!!

We had about 5 mins of drizzle to snap their Formals before it was RAINING - and, let's mention the icy chill. Melissa was FREEZING & I'm sooo thankful they hung in there & let us do our thang! Brassfield Estate is amazingly GORGEOUS & a photographers dream!

Yes - we're ready - let's go defrost & start the PARTY!! It's dark - it's wet - we're done...!

THIS young man knew how to work it! Although, perhaps he was feeling a bit nervous when a beautiful young lady came in to share the funk!? Love it!

THANK YOU so much for including us in your phenomenal day!!! I hope the future holds only the most amazing journeys this Earth has to offer you both! ENJOY! xo

Ceremony & Reception | Brassfield Estate Winery
Floral | Flowers by Jackie
Cuisine | Chic Le Chef
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