Do you ever go to a Wedding on a sunny Summer day ... and just take it all in? Casually sit there in the cool, rolling breeze & just get to think ... about the beauty in every detail around you ... about the bond of the people growing as they intermingle ... sharing in a day that changes their lives forever ... ?
Today was that day for me.
Married just a couple of turns from busy Hwy 116, it was almost as if the Traffic stopped just for them ... 'cause as the Ceremony commenced - - I don't recall being distracted in any way by noise of zooming cars or squealing brakes - just focused on each & every word of the Couples' deeply intimate promises to one another as they accepted each other into their joining Families.
Jessica, dressed in the PERFECT dress (I sooo want it for ME) w/ ballerina-esque slippers & a matching floral headband, photographed amazingly! Her time spent putting together so many of her own personalized touches (the Grooms Boutinerre', decorations, desserts, Thank You bags, etc.) shows just how much joy & love she wanted to share with all of their closest Family/Friends.
Following photos, was a Feast fit for Royalty - hosted by a la Heart Catering. Superb!
Overall, it was the elegant simplicity that went into this day that made it quite so spectacular to witness & be a part of. Thank You! Breath-taking...!

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