While tons of fellow colleagues are gathering for a SPECTACULAR soiree of Photography goodness in Las Vegas this weekend for the WPPI Convention, we're packing our bags for a slightly different journey...
Daddy's been begging me for months to attend WPPI this yr...with so much phenomenal information/gear/knowledge all in one place!!? Ohhh - - it does feel like ages since we've allowed ourselves to be 'Adults'! But, alas, Mommy is Mommy & absolutely glued @ the hip to her little Peanut!
Who's about to turn THREE! So, when you ask a young lady who's about to turn 3 where SHE'd like to go for her Birthday...it's not Vegas...not, yet anyways! "-)
We're going to DISNEYLAND!!! What a perfect way to unwind, shake our tail-feathers & get ready for an AMAZING 2011 Wedding Season! See you soon! xo

(2 short yrs ago ~ when the fantasy all began...)