Sunday, September 29, 2013


I'm sitting down to my 2nd Post in this Series after getting lots of feedback from a handful of Photo-Friends & have realized - this is all going to be taken a little differently by everyone.
(missed the opening Blog Post? : SERIOUSLY? : A PHOTOGRAPHERS JOURNEY)

Please know, I'm only sharing MY thoughts, opinions & experiences. We're all on a very different Journey. We shouldn't want to do things exactly alike - we're Artists.

We don't all have the same creative ideas for poses, what editing techniques to use, or opinion on what equipment will do the trick. All of which play a huge factor in our own personal 'artistry.'

It's so, so sad for me to see Clients struggling with who to hire. There's HUNDREDS of us out there - - in every facet of the Wedding Industry...DJs, Coordinators, Cake Designers, do they find the RIGHT one!?

Do Clients go with what they might want to afford (Cousin Joe) - or with the person that can produce the quality of images they so deeply want? The ones that will stand the test of time.

Do they settle ~ or reach for the stars?

When we started? There weren't these wonderful Weekend Seminars where we could all converge & sponge from fellow Photographers as they spoke on stage to the masses, you couldn't pay several hundred bucks & have gorgeous models pose for you while the lead Photographer walked you through exactly which settings to use, we didn't have Blog support, Branding suggestions or step by step explanation on how to run a Business broadcast daily online for Free! (it's like a dream come true?!)

I literally spent hours upon hours trying to figure out putting together an HTML Website - weeks! There were no simple Templates to buy for $100 & manipulate easily as you saw fit.

I would take my favorite 5 Photos & print them at countless Labs to figure out the best quality + color correctness. I ordered at least a 1/2 dozen different Business cards ~ since places didn't just hand out samples to earn your Business - - it was ALL done through trial & error. We struggled. It was hard...but, that's what gets you to where you want to be someday!! Hard work, dedication & TIME.

You don't just buy a camera, start pushing the button & 'Viola!' it's perfect!

When we were even considering doing this, I had reached out to several local Photographers via Phone + Email asking if I could just SPEAK to them...maybe come watch what they did...and not a single one got back to me. It broke my heart & I took it very personally. 

It made no sense to me that no one wanted to show off what they could do & be part of a new Dream!

So, we jumped in...ourselves. 

We started shooting for Free (THANK YOU, HALE FAMILY) to make sure it was something we could even remotely handle. I had my Business License, Insurance & back-up Cameras before we ever took a penny! When I mentor - that's big to me. Be legit! Treat Clients how YOU would want to be treated. Do what feels 'right' shouldn't all be about the dollar. This is your passion, remember?

Practice Practice Practice. And, be honest about it! Tell your Clients you've only shot 3 them a full the end, it's that Honesty that will get you happy clients!

If they go into it expecting perfection (since, of course, that's all you've showcased on that great new Blog & Website), and you can't deliver that from start to finish? You're risking your name being tarnished long-term. Which not only breaks your heart...but, doesn't make good business sense. And, charging appropriately matters, too! But, wait! Let's discus PRICING next time! xo


  1. I used to bring new young moms home from the market to do their newborn pics for free in my bedroom haha! Nobody taught me anything, all trial & error xoxo

  2. See?! That's PERFECT!! I remember stopping random people out & about, too, that I thought might be photogenic & fun to 'play' with...they all just thought I was crazy!! hee hee! xo
